Thursday, June 07, 2007

Picks 2-6 of "My Heart Aches: But Goodbye"

The poet and author J. M. Munsil asked me to illustrate a three poem set that had been accepted at Haruah. I informed the author, one of my writing friends, that I would give it a try. Mr. Munsil gave me a few ideas and I took off from there.

I have already written about taking these shots and how much trouble I had taking a good rain shot. So, if you have been reading along, you all ready know those long details.

I’ll write about how this photo came about, but right now I just want to show with you the other shots that I was considering on sending to Haruah. I took several and I picked out my top 6 shots. My first pick (and the author’s as well) was accepted by Haruah, but I liked the other five picks as well. And instead of just deleting them from the hard drive, I thought I’d show them to you.

So here are picks 2-6:

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