Thursday, March 22, 2007

I submitted a Photo Gallery to Gambara

While I was searching some places that would accept reprints, I noticed that Gambara was looking for some more photo galleries. There is a church in the county that I call the castle church and I have wanted to take some pictures of it. I then thought of the idea of taken shots of several Pender Country churches and submitting them as a photo gallery to Gambara.

However, we had a weekend of living history right here in Pender County at Moores Creek National Battlefield. Re-enactors dressed the part and did normal colonial activities. Dan had to cover it for the Pender Post, so I went as well and took shots to make a photo gallery. I took several and I ended up with a few good ones. There are three that I really love.

One is a young boy dressed in colonial clothing standing in front of an old cannon. This shot looks really great in the antic brown. The other is of a man and his wife sitting on the ground eating their supper. On their right is a pile of logs with his hatchet laying against the stack. In front of that is a iron stand with a kettle and a wooded dish in front of it. In front of the couple on the ground is their metal bowl of low-country shrimp boil, a small hatchet, and a mug. The third wasn’t much until I cropped it down and turned it black and white. It is of a girl as she prepares the dough for an old-fashioned apple pie. Behind her is a fire pit with pots hanging from it. The girl has a beautiful smile on her face and the pots run up her arm in the background.

The shot of the couple eating that I really liked had some bad shadow to it, so I sent it to my mom. She works at a place that can help clean those up. After I got the cleaned up version, I submitted my seven shots as a photo gallery to Gambara.

Dan tells me that my shots aren’t what they are looking for. I do agree with that, but I’m hoping. They said that they were in desperate need of photo galleries and some of my shots are very good (or at least I think they are).

I now have five photo illustrations published at Haruah and two cover art photos accepted there. Though I love submitting photos to Haruah, I would love to get my name else where as well. I’ll let you know what Gambara says about my photo gallery when I find out.

(By the way, I’m still going to try to get those church shots.)


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