Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Submitted My First Story!

Well, I finally did it—I submitted a story! I was going to submit “Aftermath of War” back in October, but just haven’t put the final polish on it and sent it out. But that is not the one I submitted.

I submitted “Life Goes On” to Haruah. “Life Goes On” is considered flash fiction since it is under 1,000 words. Its teaser is, “Kristina struggles with her faith when her mother and brother die” or something very similar to that. This story started out as part of my novel that I worked on for NoteBored’s TriMo. However, with the rewrite there piece in the novel and this one really aren’t the same thing anymore—though the underlying story is there.

I submitted my story last night and there are sixteen other ones in front of mine—so now it’s a matter of waiting.

Waiting for my reject letter that is, because most people aren’t accepted with their first sub missal. But that’s OK, at least I submitted.

I have another story (another part of my novel) to polish up and submit to Haruah, but it will be a few weeks before I will get around to that.

I’ll let you know either way if Haruah accepted my story.


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