Friday, April 14, 2006


My dear cyber friend, Deanna, has been finding ways to promote her wonderful writing site, The NoteBored. I so love this site that I too promote it where I can. You will find its name and links to it all over this site of mine and my other blog site as well.

Well, Deanna has set up a blog for her writing site and the administrators and moderators of the site have access to make posts to it. She asked for a news anchor and I told her that I would be one, but I didn’t want to be the head one. Well, right now I’m the only one. So, I have made several posts to there as well.

One of her newest ways of promoting The NoteBored and the NoteBlog is by using BlogExplosion. I’m not sure how she set it up, but it’s free. What it does is for every two sites you visit, it brings one visit to your site.

Three days ago, she gave me the password to get into it to see it and I have worked away. On the first and second day I visited over 100 sites. So, we should get 50 visits now on NoteBlog. Today I visited 70, so we should get another 35.

That makes 85 visits that we wouldn’t have had other wise. And it works! Yesterday, I went to NoteBlog to see how many hits we had that day and there were many. I was so excited. Little did I know that I would get more excited.

We had a new member at The NoteBlog, which is nothing that new. I went and welcomed him and gave some information about our site, like I always do—as well, as several of our members. We really are a friendly site and we give good, helpful critiques. If you just want warm, fuzzy comments on your stories, we aren’t the place for you. Our goal is to help each other better our craft and sometimes you have to hear things you don’t want to. That being said, however, we state our comments in a nice way, we don’t tear you down into itzy, bizy pieces.

Anyway, to get back on topic. One of our members asked our newest member how he found out about us (we are always curious in that way). And he told us that he fould us from BlogExplosion! I was ecstatic! I think he came the first day I surfed those 100+ sites and he liked the NoteBlog so much (which I write a lot on) that he came to join us. I feel like I went and found him and brought him into our fold.

The only other person I brought to our fold, is a young teenager from Washington state. I had read some of his stories at a different site I had been working with and I thought they were great stories. Then I found out that the author was a young teen. After a week or so at The NoteBored, I asked Deanna if I could invite him over and she said that I could. And thus I invited and thus he accepted. This guy has made be proud and I truly believe that if he keeps at it, he will be a published writer some day. I hope that he will remember me and send me an autographed book. ;-) Why? Well, he also does the timed flash challenges over at Liberty Hall, when schoolwork allows him. And he actually won the title “Best of the Best” once. My husband has only won twice and I never have. The writers at Liberty Hall (some are the same at The NoteBored) are truly good and several are published. The young man is the youngest doing the timed flashes and he beat published adults!


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