Gambara Magazine
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! See what I got in my inbox today!
Patient Submitter:
I am writing to let you know that your manuscript has trod a long and tortuous path here at Gambara, but it is still alive and holding up well. We recently made a big push to catch up on our slushpile, and we have shortlisted approximately 100 pieces for further consideration. These pieces will go to make up online issues #6, #7, and #8. In addition we have approximately 60 pages of space left in the 2007 print issue.
Your manuscript is in this short list. We will be making our final selections from it in the next two weeks.
My deepest apologies go out to those submitters who have been waiting since May, June or July for word on their work. As I have written before, the level of interest in Gambara was unexpected and overwhelming at first (our site consistently receives well over one thousand unique visits each month), and we rapidly fell behind on reviewing submissions. And then we fell further behind. And then further still.
Obviously we had a problem. In response, I created and imposed procedures which will ensure no submitter will ever have to wait longer than ten weeks to receive a decision. I thank you again for your patience, and for bearing with us during this year of growth here at Gambara.
Best of luck,
Scott Johnson
General Editor, Gambara Magazine
[End quote]
I am so excited! I'm bouncing off the walls. I don't even remember if this is a paying market or not. I don't remember member much about the site; I'll have to have another look at it real soon.
The thing that gets me though, is that this story is now called "Home and Home Again" and I don't know if I should tell them that I have revised the piece and made it stronger. I have asked my writing friends at The NoteBored and Liberty Hall.
You can bet that I'll let you know how Gambara decides once I know. Maybe this will be my break through into the published world!
Yay!!! I am rooting for you, dear friend. I bet the next 2 weeks are gonna crawl by. Keep us posted!
Hey, thanks for commenting. I love comments. The next two weeks are going to be slow. I'll let ya know.
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