Third Tries
Third tries.
I have resent “Life Goes On” to The Banner. The Banner is another Christian magazine. I don’t know what they pay or how long their response time is, but I’ll let you know either way. If I get comments much such as Haruah gave me, this one will go back to the drawing board.
My other third try is a photo. My second photo is still under consideration. That one is for a cover art. The one I sent today is for an illustration. Haruah has way for its members to see what stories and poems are coming up, so artiest can have the chance to submit illustrations for them. I saw a poem titled, “my name,” and my mind went to figure out how to illustrate it.
Today, while my family was out on a nature walk in a Catholic park, I got my opportunity to take the picture I had thought of. I’ll let you know if it is accepted or not.
Man, this submitting thing is exciting!
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