Thursday, October 05, 2006

I sent Gambara my revised version

Well, about three of my writing friends didn’t know what kind of advise to give. Another said that he wasn’t sure, but if I did to keep it short. And then another said she wasn’t sure, but she would say off hand just to let them read the original one, since it is doing so well.

Well, I went ahead and asked Gambara about it, before I got the message from the last writer. This is what I said.

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Just a quick note to say thank you for the update, and also to let you know that this story has undergone a recent rewrite. If you would be interested in seeing the revised version, please let me know. I also wanted to let you know that I have moved and have a new mailing address: [gave it to him]. Thanks for your consideration.

[end quote]

After sending that before bed, I got this in the morning.

Sure, send the revision in.

Scott Johnson
[end quote]

I sent them a copy of, “Home and Home Again,” which is the new name for this piece and the following note:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you so much for your time. I have attached my revised version of "Aftermath of War." The story received a new name, "Home and Home Again," along with its rewrite. Either story is available for publication, if you so choose. Once again, thanks you for your consideration.

[end quote]


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