My New Camera
What I really wanted for Christmas this year was a new camera. I had been using Dan’s dad’s for the past few years and it has been a very nice digital camera (my first, I believe). But for the past couple of years it has had two spots on the inside of the lens that has been messing up my shots. Since I like to try to get some of my photos published, this has been an issue with me. Some of my best shots have been messed up by these two little dots. If I have a lot of color in my shots, you can’t tell that they are there, but if I do a sky shot or a sand shot (many taken in New Mexico), you can tell.
Well I told people for Christmas I was collecting money to get a new camera. I knew what I wanted and it would be $350. I thought I would have to hold the money and get more money next year in order to get the camera, but when I went to eBay, I found a new opened box one for $148 and now it is mine. So the money had already begun to save and the money Dan’s mom and my parents gave me was enough to buy me my new camera.
I was using an Olympus Camedia C-3040Zoom with 3.3 megapixels. It had a 3x optical zoom and a 2.5x digital zoom. This nice camera also had f1.8 super bright zoom lens. This thing shot well and it was a lot brighter than the one I have now. In fact I would take pictures at a football game from the stance while Dan took shots from the sidelines and mine where brighter than his.
My new one is the same as the first nice camera Dan used while working at the Pender Post. The first one he had wasn’t very good so he did some research and the newspaper bought him a different one to use while he was there. The paper paid around $350 for theirs and I was very excited to pay only $148 for mine. Dan and I loved to use this camera as it had a wonderful zoom and it had a micro. After awhile, the paper got Dan an even fancier camera to use, and the little Minolta went to the next reporter. I did offer to buy theirs from them, but they wanted a little point and shot in the office for other reporters.
So yes, my new camera is a Minolta. It is a Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 in fact. It has 4.0 megapixels and 12x optical zoom.
Recently we have gone to the Moores Creek Battle Field and NC Aquarium. We have had a Young People’s Game night at our house and a teen activity. And believe it or not we have even a snow fall. So I have been playing with my new camera.
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