Monday, October 09, 2006

Waiting and Writing

Boy, does time slooow down when you are waiting for something. It has only been 6 days since I have heard from Gambara. I still have 8 more to go. I am constantly checking my emails to see if Gambara has decided to publish my story or not. I know that once it comes, I’ll be really nervous and heartache will be the final outcome. But I still long to know. I’m so glad to know that I have made it so far.

Oh yeah, a couple days back, I started my re-write of “A Mother’s Love” for Haruah. The one editor suggested me do something and I’m having trouble trying to figure out how to do it and if I want to. The editor pointed out a few things that did need help that this particular thing—well, I just don’t know if it is needed.

The NoteBored’s next Polished Stories Challenge is Oct. 20th, so I’m hoping to have it done before that.

Plus, the NoteBored has a Duel section and I have called Declared, Bannered out on a duel. DB is the young teen I found at another writing site and invited over. He has really grown during the past year. In fact he has won a Liberty Hall “Best of the Best” one week. I have only won one category once. And he won best story in his group and then went up against the other two best stories and beat them. The story he won with is now published at Haruah. I’m really out of my league dueling this young teen. And I’m double his age!


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