Friday, February 09, 2007

"A Mother's Love" is going to be pu......

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! And no I’m just not repeating Annie to repeat her. I just can’t believe it! What news.....

We will bring you back to your regularly scheduled news in a moment.

July 4th weekend of 2005, Mike from Liberty Hall held a 500 word story challenge. Every story submitted had to be 500 words exactly. I took the challenge and from the trigger wrote “A Mother’s Love.” From that point this story has had four re-writes.

I sent this story to The Pedestal on May 22, 2006, but they rejected it 37 days later.

It then went to Haruah on July 10, 2006. After ten days I was told that they weren’t interested in it as it was. They would like to see a re-write. Since that was doing our no home time during our moving transition from NYC to Burgaw I didn’t get back around to that re-write for quite some time. Finally on November 6, I sent Haruah my re-write. However, I got the same response 65 days later. They liked the story, but it was still too rough, but they would take another re-write.

I struggled with their suggestions. It seemed like, to me, that they were split themselves on how to fix it. Half said one thing and the other half had other suggestions.

I loved the wording of my story and didn’t feel comfortable changing it. I did change some of the beginning paragraphs around to help smooth out the rough edges. I emailed the editor for some more feedback, like she said I could. The next day I went back and tried one of the suggestions. Someone had suggested splitting up the letter the mother was writing. At first I didn’t like the idea for I liked the flow of the letter. But I took a chance and split up the letter. And you know what....I liked it!

I submitted my story back to Haruah (on February 3rd) for the third time and emailed the editor to never mind the first email.

Dan’s youngest sister called tonight and I was telling her about NoteBored/Liberty Hall’s new magazine and how I wanted to help. But I couldn’t because I didn’t think my critting skills were strong and I didn’t have a publication credit.

Well, I can’t use the last statement anymore

Now to bring you back to your regular news program.....

I’m going to be PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haruah accepted “A Mother’s Love”!!!!!!!

I’m so HAPPY.

And now they are a paying market. I am getting $10 for my story.

When I started to write I wanted to beat my husband in getting published. Well, he beat me in the non-fiction world, but I beat him in the fiction world.

I’m so happy. I called my husband first thing and then I called Deanna, the owner of The NoteBored.

The writing community of Liberty Hall has what they call pips for awards. If you will challenge you get one and if a story which started there gets published you get a gold star. I’ll be running over there soon to grab my star!


At 2/19/2007 10:58 AM, Blogger starjewel said...

Yay Joy! that's so cool!

At 2/23/2007 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Star Jewel. I see that you want to be an author. You should check out The NoteBored (at


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