The weekend writing spree.
I have wanted to write new stories, but I just haven’t had the time. Or maybe the correct phrase would that I just haven’t made the time. I have spent hours in front of the tube that could have been spent in front of a computer screen.
Part of the reason for lack of writing is the change in my schedule. Dan used to work nights, leaving the house quiet from 8PM to midnight. I used to fill that time with writing and managing the NoteBored. Now with the move, Anna is going to bed at 9PM and Dan works during the day. Plus, I have two extra kiddos 1-3 times a week.
Another part for my lack is depression. Depressed that my best stories keep getting rejected over and over again. Though I tell myself, when I send them, they will be rejected—it still hurts. I have had a couple of close acceptances, but those hurt the worst.
Well, I didn’t have to watch the kids on Friday, today, or tomorrow—so I wrote. I have wanted to do another Liberty Hall flash challenge but it takes me so long to read the stories, I kept putting it off. But with no extra children the beginning of this week, I did it.
On Friday I participated in the 90 minute timed flash challenge at Liberty Hall. I haven’t done one since March 5, 2006. I also stated a story for the NoteBored word limit flash challenge, which was completed on Sunday evening. I hadn’t done one since the third week in March.
Today, I have read the group of stories at LH had I to, but I hope to read the other group tonight. There were only about 12 stories entered, including mine.
I still need to read the NB challenge stories, but there were only two more besides mine and I have until Friday to read them.
It was great to be typing out stories again. The one I did for LH was a light Sci-Fi piece and the NB one was more of a history piece. Both outside of the normal genre I write in, though both were Christian stories.
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