Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Haruah is making a move-a move to pay

For several months now I have been telling you about my success at Haruah: Breath of Heaven. This magazine is just a baby and it hasn’t been able to pay its authors. Now the editorial team of Haruah has a dream. That dream is to pay their authors starting in 2007.

They plan to pay:
•Poetry: $15
•Flash (1 - 1500): $15
•Short Story or Editorial (1500-9,000): $20
•Novella (9,000 and up): $30
•Plus, contributor's printed copies.

However, in order to do that they need to raise $4,500.

This site isn’t (normally) about trying to get your money or asking for donations. In fact I think this is only third time that I have brought money up. I would like to bring this to your attention, however.

If you have liked my photos and/or columns. Or if you have seen Haruah and have liked what you saw...would you not consider making a donation?

The quality at Haruah has been great, but it will become better as a paying market. I mean who doesn’t like to be paid for their work? Writers are no different.

For more information, please click here: 2007 Annual Campaign Kickoff!


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