Monday, September 17, 2007

Getting paid for a photo!

Hahoo! I’m getting paid for a photo! My first photo payment!

I heard back from Haruah yesterday about a cover art photo that I sent them.

On the same day I sent them an illustration photo and a cover art photo. They have accepted the illustration (“Boasting Peacock”), but the formatting for the cover photo was a little off. They wanted the dragonfly to be lower down in the picture, but because of how the picture was taken, I didn’t know how.

I sent the original shot to the editor and asked him if he could tell me how to fix it – if there was way. But he sent it back to me already fixed. I resubmitted it and I waited.

I just heard yesterday that they wanted to accept it and when I started to get the contract ready to sign, I got a very pleasant surprise – I was being paid $5!

Yes, it isn’t much, but it is my first photo payment and it is very exciting.

I have now had to sales – “A Mother’s Love” a fiction flash piece and “Blue Dragonfly” a photo; and both of them to Haruah.

Rejected by Baker's Dozen Review

I was away 24 hours from Friday to Saturday at a Ladies’ Retreat with our church ladies. I enjoyed this years speakers better than last years as they had more meat.

Anyway while I was gone I heard from Baker’s Dozen Review.

Ms. Robelen:

Thank-you for showing us the pictures, but they are not quite what we're looking for. I would love to include some photography in the November issue, so if you have any other's that you feel proud of please feel free to send them to us for review. Sorry about the delay, any new submission of yours will receive top priority.

John Hocter
[end quote]

I am going to send them more....the only trouble is I don’t know want to send them. They are a new magazine and they only submission guidelines stated are:

“Art: Submit photographs, drawings, paintings, prints and other artwork to the editor as attachments. No graphic pornography or violence. All styles accepted.”

I see that they are a literary magazine, so that means they want stranger stuff – I guess. The art pictures that were accepted for the second issue are strange, or at least I’d call them strange.

I’ll send them more and I’ll let you know what they say.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Baker's Dozen Review

Still waiting and hoping.

On July 6 I sent three photos from my South Carolina vacation to Baker’s Dozen Review magazine. They say to allow 2-4 weeks to get a response.

On August 15th I sent them an inquiry to see if they received my three photos and if they could let me know how they are doing.

Since I still haven’t heard from them, I sent them a second inquiry today.

I went to their website and I see that they have put out their 2nd issue and they asking for submissions for the third. I’m going to take it that they deiced that they didn’t want mine. Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

I would love so much to have a photo(s) published in another magazine. I have several in Haruah, but I would love to branch out some.

I’ll let you know when I know.

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