Thursday, October 26, 2006

Up, Rejected, and Accepted

I told you that I’d let you know when my photo, “Violin Solo for Two,” came out. Well, its out. I think you will like what you see. Why not give it a click and find out. And don’t forget comments of any sort are welcomed.

Not only do I have a photo up, but I just got word from Haruah about two more. My illustration, “Duchess at Delaware Water Gap,” was rejected. I was told that it was a nice picture, but they didn’t need it at this time.

My cover photo, “Water Lillies,” was accepted though. So that makes two cover photos!

While helping a friend of mine learn how to submit more of her photos to Haruah, she mentioned that Haruah has the same on-line format as the magazines under Double-Edge Publishing. I’ll have to sign into them and see if there are any photos that I can submit there. That way not all my photos are in the same place; being accepted by the same people.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Rejected by Gambara

Well, I just heard back from Gambara Magazine. After waiting nearly three weeks, instead of two, this is what I received:

Thank you for your interest in Gambara. We ultimately decided to pass on this manuscript during our second round of deliberations, but that's not to say we wouldn't welcome another submission from you in the future. You may submit by snail mail, or by email once more after February 1, 2007.
[end quote]

Though I kept telling myself that it would be rejected, I really hoped that it would be accepted. So, besides my column, I still have no published writing.

Writing does take patience and thick skin. It took Gambara 124 days to reject this story (“Aftermath of War”).

I still have it’s rewrite out there (“Home and Home Again”) to Literary Magazine.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Haruah is making a move-a move to pay

For several months now I have been telling you about my success at Haruah: Breath of Heaven. This magazine is just a baby and it hasn’t been able to pay its authors. Now the editorial team of Haruah has a dream. That dream is to pay their authors starting in 2007.

They plan to pay:
•Poetry: $15
•Flash (1 - 1500): $15
•Short Story or Editorial (1500-9,000): $20
•Novella (9,000 and up): $30
•Plus, contributor's printed copies.

However, in order to do that they need to raise $4,500.

This site isn’t (normally) about trying to get your money or asking for donations. In fact I think this is only third time that I have brought money up. I would like to bring this to your attention, however.

If you have liked my photos and/or columns. Or if you have seen Haruah and have liked what you saw...would you not consider making a donation?

The quality at Haruah has been great, but it will become better as a paying market. I mean who doesn’t like to be paid for their work? Writers are no different.

For more information, please click here: 2007 Annual Campaign Kickoff!

Another photo accepted.

I have another photo accepted at Haruah. I love sending photos to this magazine, for they make it so very easy.

Once you are a member (free-membership) there are buttons to click and led you to stories that have been accepted. The editors place a few lines of the stories there so artists and photographers can take a look to see if we want to illustrate a story or two.

I look over these about once or twice a month (sometimes more). I found two that I was interested in the last time that I looked. One because I had an idea, if a friend would help me out. The other because it was Leaf’s story. Leaf is on of the writers at The NoteBored and at Liberty Hall. Since I “know” him, I wanted to illustrate his story.

I had an idea from what I read, but not knowing if I could get a suitable picture from the few lines I read, I asked to see the whole story. The editor, Rachel A. Marks, sent me the link and I read the story. It’s a very good story by the way, so don’t miss it. Though I really wanted to illustrate it for S. E. Markey (Leaf), I really couldn’t. But while taking to Deanna (the owner of The NoteBored), she says that she has one, so I encouraged her to submit it.

So, to the picture I did take, submit, and that was accepted. It is going to illustrate the story, “The Lone Violin.” I borrowed a violin from a church friend and set up to take my pictures. I used my eat in living room and set my table up nice. I placed the flower arrangement that I had made on the table and located the violin in front of the flowers and between the two place settings. Then when I set up to take the shot, I realized the that window blinds were in the background, so I had to rearrange the room and the table.

Boy do I love these digital cameras! I took over 30 shots of that table setting, but it didn’t cost me. Nor did I have to run the film to be developed, which I don’t know if there is a place in town here that does that. And I didn’t have to wait to see if I got a picture that was usable.

My photo is titled, “Violin Solo for Two,” and I’ll let you know when it comes out.

Still Waiting on Gambara

Well, yesterday was two weeks and I didn’t hear from Gambara. So, now it’s more waiting.

I went to their home site yesterday and saw that they had picked their stories for issue number 5 and my heart sank. I then went to my email and I saw that mine in under consideration for issues 6, 7, and 8; my spirits rose.

I promise to let you know either way.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Excited Again!

Since I find some of my submission markets at Duotrope, I thought I’d better sign in and record my submissions. This helps other authors know more about the markets. I gave them all the information that I could (3-4 markets weren’t listed). On the very last market I was recording I found this:

[quote]IMPORTANT: Not accepting email submissions from October 1, 2006 to February 1, 2007[end quote]

That makes me very excited. For you see that was on Gambara! That means that not only did my story make the short list for the last 3 on-line magazines and maybe for part of the 60 blank printed pages it means that no more will be added to that 100 story short list!

This is quite an accomplishment for me, for I have two writing friends that have also submitted to Gambara and both received rejection letters. I was just waiting my turn to receive mine, when I found out that they were still considering publishing my story.

I was down in the dumps with the waiting process, but I’m in the sky again today with this new information!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Waiting and Writing

Boy, does time slooow down when you are waiting for something. It has only been 6 days since I have heard from Gambara. I still have 8 more to go. I am constantly checking my emails to see if Gambara has decided to publish my story or not. I know that once it comes, I’ll be really nervous and heartache will be the final outcome. But I still long to know. I’m so glad to know that I have made it so far.

Oh yeah, a couple days back, I started my re-write of “A Mother’s Love” for Haruah. The one editor suggested me do something and I’m having trouble trying to figure out how to do it and if I want to. The editor pointed out a few things that did need help that this particular thing—well, I just don’t know if it is needed.

The NoteBored’s next Polished Stories Challenge is Oct. 20th, so I’m hoping to have it done before that.

Plus, the NoteBored has a Duel section and I have called Declared, Bannered out on a duel. DB is the young teen I found at another writing site and invited over. He has really grown during the past year. In fact he has won a Liberty Hall “Best of the Best” one week. I have only won one category once. And he won best story in his group and then went up against the other two best stories and beat them. The story he won with is now published at Haruah. I’m really out of my league dueling this young teen. And I’m double his age!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I sent Gambara my revised version

Well, about three of my writing friends didn’t know what kind of advise to give. Another said that he wasn’t sure, but if I did to keep it short. And then another said she wasn’t sure, but she would say off hand just to let them read the original one, since it is doing so well.

Well, I went ahead and asked Gambara about it, before I got the message from the last writer. This is what I said.

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Just a quick note to say thank you for the update, and also to let you know that this story has undergone a recent rewrite. If you would be interested in seeing the revised version, please let me know. I also wanted to let you know that I have moved and have a new mailing address: [gave it to him]. Thanks for your consideration.

[end quote]

After sending that before bed, I got this in the morning.

Sure, send the revision in.

Scott Johnson
[end quote]

I sent them a copy of, “Home and Home Again,” which is the new name for this piece and the following note:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you so much for your time. I have attached my revised version of "Aftermath of War." The story received a new name, "Home and Home Again," along with its rewrite. Either story is available for publication, if you so choose. Once again, thanks you for your consideration.

[end quote]

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Gambara Magazine

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! See what I got in my inbox today!

Patient Submitter:

I am writing to let you know that your manuscript has trod a long and tortuous path here at Gambara, but it is still alive and holding up well. We recently made a big push to catch up on our slushpile, and we have shortlisted approximately 100 pieces for further consideration. These pieces will go to make up online issues #6, #7, and #8. In addition we have approximately 60 pages of space left in the 2007 print issue.

Your manuscript is in this short list. We will be making our final selections from it in the next two weeks.

My deepest apologies go out to those submitters who have been waiting since May, June or July for word on their work. As I have written before, the level of interest in Gambara was unexpected and overwhelming at first (our site consistently receives well over one thousand unique visits each month), and we rapidly fell behind on reviewing submissions. And then we fell further behind. And then further still.

Obviously we had a problem. In response, I created and imposed procedures which will ensure no submitter will ever have to wait longer than ten weeks to receive a decision. I thank you again for your patience, and for bearing with us during this year of growth here at Gambara.

Best of luck,

Scott Johnson
General Editor, Gambara Magazine
[End quote]

I am so excited! I'm bouncing off the walls. I don't even remember if this is a paying market or not. I don't remember member much about the site; I'll have to have another look at it real soon.

The thing that gets me though, is that this story is now called "Home and Home Again" and I don't know if I should tell them that I have revised the piece and made it stronger. I have asked my writing friends at The NoteBored and Liberty Hall.

You can bet that I'll let you know how Gambara decides once I know. Maybe this will be my break through into the published world!

Two more photos sumbitted

Let’s see I have a total of three photos published and one cover photo accepted and waiting for publication.

I have also submitted “Water Lilies” for Haruah to consider as a cover art piece on September 7th. This picture was taken at the NC Aquarium. We had heard wonderful things about this place, so we went to see what all the fuss was about. It is truly a fascinating place. I had been wanting some nice pictures of water lilies and I got a great one! I loved it so much; I thought I’d see if I could get it published.

The other picture I submitted to Haruah, “Duchess at the Delaware Water Gap,” was taken while we lived in New York City. I wanted a few hours out of the city and in the country (my real home). We took our collie dog with us and I wanted a nice picture of her. At the time I was training pretty extensively with her in hopes of getting a CD. She loved the training and she learned fairly quickly. I could have that CD by now, if only I had kept up with it. I sent this picture to illustrate an accepted poem. “Duchess at the Delaware Water Gap” was submitted on the 10th of September.

I’ll let you know what happens with these two photos when I know.

"A Mother's Love" sent to Haruah

My story, “A Mother’s Love” first visited The Pedestal Magazine, but came back home to me 37 days later—homeless.

On July 10th, I sent my orphaned story out again to find a loving home. This time, it knocked at the door of Haruah. Ten days later my poor orphan came home saying that Haruah might accept her, but she needed to work on some things.

Due to our move in late June and then our move into our new home the first of August, I haven’t been back to this poor orphaned child. Not only have I moved, but now I have a job.

I hope to return my focus to my orphaned child and see if I can straighten her out enough to find a wonderful home at Haruah.

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